Our Archives page is under development. If you have suggestions for information from the past that should be included, don’t hesitate to pass them along!

“We find no evidence of wrongdoing”

By Larry Johnson, Clovis, CA SHE HAS NEVER BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF ANYTHING, NEVER CONVICTED, NEVER REPRIMANDED. NOTHING.   Hillary Clinton has been involved on front line politics for nearly 40 years. From the time she was a newly minted college graduate working as an attorney in a poverty law firm to her latest jaunt …

Aging and Senior Care Resources for Communities in California

Click here for assisted living resources in California.

April 2019

Click on the link below to view the newsletter April 2019

Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections

“We assess Moscow will apply lessons learned from its Putin-ordered campaign aimed at the US presidential election to future influence efforts worldwide, including against US allies and their election processes.” For further information on this declassified version of the full investigation, you can read it in its entirety HERE.

Caltrans QuickMap

Caltrans has an application and a website to make your trip planning (even at the last minute) much easier ! Click here to access: QuickMap

How Technology Can Help Seniors Stay On Top Of Their Health

How Technology Can Help Seniors Stay On Top Of Their Health (1) Thank you, Katybeth Dee, for sharing this information with us.

Power Outage and Fire Response Resources

The State of California is providing resources to help Californians impacted by the unique challenges brought on by wildfire and power shutoffs.

Substance Abuse

For information on substance abuse and treatment, please click here:

Leadership Award

James Ramos, MBA, was elected to and sworn in as Third District Supervisor of San Bernardino County in 2012. From 2005-2012, the Supervisor was a member of the San Bernardino Community College Board of Trustees, where he served as president and was the first Native American to be elected to the board. In 2008, Governor …

Meeting Minutes 2016

Minutes from meetings will be published soon after each meeting. Minutes are not approved by the members until the next meeting, so there may be corrections. These will be appropriately marked if there are any.

Arrowhead Ranch

Our event was presented at Arrowhead Ranch. It was a very welcoming staff that arranged the schedule, cleaned up the entry of tree “stuff”, prepared the drinks table, food and helped gather the needed accessories, chairs and tables. Our thanks to all for a job well done! 480 Cottage Grove Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352 909-337-7265 …

Environmental Protection Award

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Commitment to Education Education is the basic foundation for any doctor, but a degree is just the beginning. To provide my patients with the most advanced dental care possible means education is a continual process that …

Meeting and Greeting

Every event sponsored by the Mountain Bears Democratic Club is fun, friendly and a great source of people you really want to know. This one was no exception! Our “regular” club members were joined by new members, new friends of the club and honorees’ friends. This made for a (if a bit noisy at times) …

Nestle’ Water Theft, February 2018

We are two years after Nestlé was SUED in Federal court. They have been taking water from our mountains for a long, long time. Their permit, granted by the Forest Service, dates back to previous permit holders that ‘sold’ rights eventually claimed as their legal authority to take water. However, the method of drilling horizontal …

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