2024 Officers

President: Michele (“Mickey”) Laws
contact: MountainBearDems@gmail.com

Club President 2016 Michele Laws

Club President 2024
Michele Laws

Michele, aka Mickey, who uses both interchangeably, is a retired teacher who moved up from the high desert in 2004 with her 2 daughters. The oldest was in her 4th year at UCR, but the younger was starting her freshman year at Rim HS. Once the youngest was off to college, she subsequently got a part-time job at the library in Blue Jay. With working only 19 hours per week, there was still time to fill. It was 2010, and a good time to be a Democrat on the mountain. Obama was in the White House and doing a good job in spite of the lack of cooperation and criticism from his opponents. Having been interested in the political process since childhood, watching national conventions with her dad, she decided that now was the time to get involved. With no prior experience as a club officer, she joined the Mountain Bears, became the treasurer in due time, and the president in 2012. She welcomes the camaraderie of newcomers and any skills or expertise they wish to contribute towards growing the club. She looks forward to the challenge of this historic outcome and sharing our response with club members.


Vice President: Buzz (Raymond) Bartlett

Vice President 2024
Buzz Bartlett

Buzz (real name Raymond, which he seldom turns around for), and his wife, Marylen, moved to Lake Arrowhead four years ago from Columbia, Maryland, to be closer to their two sons, who both live in L.A., and chose our mountains so they could continue to enjoy four seasons. Soon after their move they joined the Mountain Bears, looking to meet like-minded folks, and to help strengthen the Democratic Party here on our mountain. In Maryland, Buzz and Marylen were active in their local democratic club, Marylen even canvassing for Kerry and
Hilary in Pennsylvania. Marylen is a retired attorney, and Buzz is semi-retired, keeping his hand in community relations and writing, most recently producing Lockheed Martin Environmental Group’s newsletters. Over his career Buzz worked for Maryland state government, Lockheed Martin, and the University of Maryland. He also headed the Council for Basic Education, a -12 think tank, and served on a number of boards, some as president, including the Baltimore Chamber Orchestra and the Maryland State Board of Education.

Secretary, Newsletter Editor: Keith Martin
contact: mountainbeardemsecretary@gmail.com

Secretary 2016 Keith Martin

Secretary 2024
Keith Martin

When Keith made it to the promised land of retirement (after teaching high school social sciences for over thirty years) he and his wife found themselves living on our mountain. Having honed his passion for all things civics related by teaching US History and Government for decades, Keith joined the Mountain Bears Democratic Club in order to more actively participate in our democratic process. Soon, he found himself happily accepting a nomination to fill the spot left by the past Secretary who is fulfilling a promise to her husband to travel around the country in their motor home.


Corresponding Secretary: Jacqueline Lauder

Corresponding Secretary 2024
Jacqueline Lauder

Jacqueline (Jacque) Lauder recently retired and moved to Lake Arrowhead with her husband Ken.  Having a long history with the local mountains in Green Valley Lake and Crestline  – they are excited to finally make Lake Arrowhead their permanent home.  She retired from teaching at California State University Long Beach in the Gerontology Program and was the former Director of Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP).  Jacqueline is an educator and advocate for all Medicare beneficiaries as well as the aging “boomer” population.  Jacque considers it a privilege to connect with Mountain Bear Democrats and is looking forward to contributing to the strong voice of Democrats on the mountain.



Treasurer: Dennis Cobb

Treasurer 2024
Dennis Cobb

Dennis and his wife purchased their home in Lake Arrowhead in 1995, after looking for a home “where we want to be”, not necessarily near his job.  He worked for about 25 years in the Semiconductor Equipment industry, both as an engineer and an engineering manager.  He then continued to work, in San Diego, and later in Pacoima after they were mountain residents.  When he retired in 1995, he obtained a real estate license and continues to fool around with that.  When he joined the Mountain Bears Democratic Club he had no intention of becoming an officer, or participating other then going to meetings and paying dues.  But, the horrifying specter of Trump back in the White House has given him pause, so he decided to participate a little more in the club.  Since he took accounting classes 50 years ago at CSUF, it seemed that Treasurer was a natural job for him.



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