NESTLE’ expired permit and water theft – Mar 2016

Nestle’s CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, believes that “access to water is not a public right.” Nor is it a human right. His solution to shortages of drinkable water is to bottle and sell more of it under the Nestle’ brand. At this point, his company controls 1/3 of the commercially bottled water in the U.S. The global percentage is also significant.
Many activists are realizing that water is a precious commodity, and privatizing it will only guarantee human misery while the corporations in control rake in unbridled profits.

Many of you won’t know this, but when the plumbing was installed to allow bottled water companies to fill tanker trucks at the bottom of Waterman Canyon, three wells in the Alpine Water District went dry. It took a court case to get any sort of compensation and this was never equal to the expense of drilling new wells nor the loss of available water.

For the last 27 years, Nestle’ has not had a permit to take water from our mountains, but has continued to do so. That is probably as much the fault of our Forest Service as it is Nestle’s fault, but that will be corrected and a five year permit is being reviewed.

Now let’s look at the issues . . . ALL OF THEM THIS TIME. A detailed description of the proposed action and a map of the project area can be found at the project webpage. As usual, a LOT of alphabet soup is used to keep the public from clearly understanding the issues, but the major one you will need to recognize is NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act. Check out their webpage for an overview. As part of the process, the public is welcome to make comments about the permitting process and the specific permit being considered.

One of the areas that can be considered, if there is sufficient interest, is “cumulative effects.” What are the cumulative effects of removing large amounts of water from our underground water supplies? Has this been considered in setting the rate that Nestle should pay for the privilege of taking that water?

If you have knowledge of this water extraction, you may be the only person who does. At the Open House, Forest Service representatives were candid in stating that records were not kept in the past, and even statements of individuals is helpful in going forward. Submit your comments at the project page.

Nestlé Water Project Update by Steve Loe – Oct 7, 2016

Many of you have been wondering what was going on with the Nestle permit in Strawberry Creek. We lost the lawsuit, but that only said the permit was still valid even if the Forest Service hadn’t renewed the permit for 28 years. It did not say the FS does not have authority to manage the …

Nestle’ “Rights” to water questioned by Sentinel – October 2016

The Sentinel is a private newspaper published by Michael Gutglueck for San Bernardino County. It is an admired and traditional paper, with a real banner and articles that contain far more information than the headline and subheadline. That is particularly true of the following piece on the rights to extract water from our mountains claimed …


This past Sunday afternoon (Jan 29th) the League of Women Voters and the Save Our Forest Association (SOFA) co-sponsored a community hearing at the Twin Peaks Community/Senior Center. The standing room only crowd came out to hear more about the Nestle Waters North American ground water removal operating under a 30-years expired permit from the …

Water levels in 2 Creeks at historic lows – July 2016

This is very significant and would be to any stream. Areas will lose surface expression and complete stretches of the stream may run dry for the first time in thousands of years, causing unknown changes in the ground water and stream patterns. This is preventable if the water extraction performed by Nestle’in Strawberry Creek and …

Who Runs the Forest, the People or Nestlé? – Oct 2016

Published in the Mountain News, October 6th, 2016 “National Forests exist today because the people want them,” said Gifford Pinchot, the first chief of the United States Forest Service (USFS) from 1905 to 1910. “To make them accomplish the most good, the people themselves must make clear how they want them run.” An American forester …

Wildlife Biologist Steve Loe – Nestlé Free Water Campaign – May 2016

Steve Loe, retired wildlife biologist who spent a 40-year career with the Forest Service, and 35 of that in the San Bernardino Mountains. His earliest conservation effort was halting the harvesting of 300-400 year old trees of commercial value – with the Sierra Club and SOFA, this was accomplished against the will of the logging …

Nestlé’s claimed water rights murky – September 2016

The Alpenhorn News article by Gail Fry documents the legal manipulations needed to bring us to today’s situation. It’s truly worth a read.